Daimler Truck has been an independent company since December 1, 2021. Much has changed since then – with the objective of continuing to develop and improve ourselves continuously and providing you with the best possible news and interesting information about Daimler Truck. This also applies to our digital platforms. The previous Daimler Truck Media Site will therefore be integrated into our corporate website as the new “Daimler Truck Newsroom” – and will at the same time receive a new, contemporary look as well as additional functionalities and formats.

The new Daimler Truck Newsroom: Background and FAQ
The Daimler Truck Corporate Website with its new Newsroom is now the central platform for information and news from and about Daimler Truck – for media representatives, multipliers, and influencers, but also for all other interested parties who would like to know more about Daimler Truck, our products, and services. With the Newsroom as a new media platform, we provide media representatives and all other interested parties with the information relevant to them, as well as with emotional, exciting, and background stories.
The Newsroom will continue to contain all the content from the previous Daimler Truck Media Site. In addition to a more contemporary appearance, the Newsroom also offers a new, user-friendly structure which makes it easier to navigate and find content. By using various filter options, the content can also be presented more individually to the needs of the users. This means that everyone only gets what they really want to see. The familiar “News” in the form of press releases and press kits will be supplemented with the new content format of “Stories”. These will present the activities of Daimler Truck as emotional, exciting, and background stories. In addition, a more flexibly designed stage area will enable a broad and varied presentation of topics and content relating to Daimler Truck.
Current news, interesting stories, helpful information, the latest images and videos – you can find all of this in our Newsroom.
Enjoy reading and exploring!
What is different about the new Newsroom compared to the old Daimler Truck Media Site?
In addition to a new contemporary look and new exciting, informative formats (more on this under “What are News & Stories?”), the new Newsroom offers above all a user-friendly structure that can deliver more individualized content:
In order to keep the structure simple and to make it easy to navigate through the content, there is one consolidated “News & Stories” distributor page in the Newsroom for the wide range of our brands, models, and topics, the content of which you as a user can define and personalize yourself. By default, all articles are displayed there in chronological order. To navigate to a specific topic, simply select the topic or topics you are interested in using the filter module. This changes the displayed content according to your selection so that the page is restructured.
You can further customize this view by using “Filter & Sorting” (more on this below) to display the desired content according to your needs and interests.
The same principle also applies to the "Media Center" subpage, which you can use if you are specifically searching for media such as images, videos, or documents.
How is the Newsroom structured? What can I find on the Newsroom homepage?
On the Newsroom homepage, you can see the other subpages in the navigation bar at the top: News & Stories | Media Center | Podcast | Press contacts (for more information on the individual subpages, see below). You can also find the symbol for the download center in the navigation bar on the right, as well as the global search on the corporate website, which will show you both the content of the Newsroom and the content pages of the corporate website.
At the top of the homepage is the Experience area, where we present the latest and most exciting content from the Daimler Truck universe.
Below this, you can find the “Latest News” teaser, which shows the three most recent press releases or press kits. Click on “All News & Stories” to go to the News & Stories subpage.
The three most recent stories are shown in the “Latest Stories” teaser. Here, too, you can click on “All News & Stories” to get to the News & Stories subpage.
More detailed information about the differences between news and stories can be found below under “What are News & Stories?”.
Below this, you can find the “Media Center” teaser on the Newsroom homepage, which shows a selection of the most recent images. Clicking on “Go to the Media Center” takes you to the “Media Center” subpage.
If you are interested in Daimler Truck content, you can subscribe to our newsletter in the next section, which will keep you regularly informed about all news and selected stories. If you have already subscribed to the Daimler Truck Media Site newsletter in the past, you will not need to sign up again.
At the end of the homepage, you will also find a social wall that shows you the latest postings from the Daimler Truck social media channels.
What is News & Stories?
A new feature of the Newsroom is the addition of stories to our content formats. Under “News & Stories”, you will therefore find all the content from the two categories, which differ in the following ways:
News includes press releases and press kits – in a similar format to that which you are already familiar with from the Daimler Truck Media Site. As usual, you can access comprehensive and well-structured information here, including all of the associated media assets.
Stories represent a new, complementary format. They also serve the content dimension “inspiration” and present the activities of Daimler Truck in exciting, emotional, and background formats, also for a broader audience.
The “News & Stories” page shows you all the articles in the Newsroom in chronological order. You can use the filter module to narrow down the view and display one or more topics – the page reloads accordingly after confirming your selection.
If you want to narrow down the display even further, you can also use the functions under “Filter & Sorting” to restrict the display to certain content types or time periods, for example, or to re-sort the results.
The page also has its own search function. There you can perform a search that only concerns the content of the “News & Stories” page. After entering your search term, the page reloads and all the relevant press information and stories are displayed. The global search (using the magnifying glass icon at the top right), on the other hand, searches all the content on the entire corporate website, including the Newsroom.
What is the Media Center?
The “Media Center” page shows you all media in the Newsroom in chronological order. If you are specifically looking for certain images, videos, or documents, this page is therefore your best place to go.
Here, too, you can use the filter module to narrow down the view and display just one or a few topics – the page will reload accordingly when the selection is confirmed.
If you are searching for a specific media type, you can also choose between image, video, or document below the filter module. If you want to narrow the search further, you can also use the functions under “Filter & Sorting” to restrict the display to certain periods of time, or to re-sort the results.
This page also has its own search function. You can perform a search here that only affects the content of the “Media Center” page. The page reloads after you enter your search term so that all relevant media items are then displayed. The global search (using the magnifying glass icon above), on the other hand, searches all the content on the entire corporate website, including the Newsroom.
What functions are available under “Filter & Sorting” under News & Stories or Media Center?
On both pages, you can restrict the articles or media to a specific period of time. You can also adjust the order of the content by sorting: By default, the display is sorted from newest to oldest. However, you also have the option of reversing this order (please note that we offer press content from 2018 onwards). It is also possible to sort by relevance (according to the frequency of the entered search term) or title (alphabetical).
On the News & Stories page, you can also filter by press releases, press kits, or further content (stories & events).
On the Media Center page, you have the additional option of filtering according to the media types image, video, or document.
How do I use the search? How do I find special content?
The magnifying glass icon at the top right takes you to the global search function on the entire corporate website, including the Newsroom. This searches all content and shows you corresponding previews. You can narrow down the results by clicking on the different categories: “Pages” includes content from the corporate website, whereas press releases, press kits, stories, and media each include content from the Newsroom. You can also sort the search results by date (in descending or ascending chronological order) and by relevance (i.e. frequency of the search term entered per result). By default, the search results in the global search are displayed by relevance, while within the Newsroom on the News & Stories and Media Center pages they are displayed in descending chronological order (newest first).
If you are specifically searching for articles or media, you can also use the two separate searches on the “News & Stories” page or the “Media Center” page. There is a separate search field below the heading. After clicking on search, the page reloads according to the search term entered. One advantage is that you can further specify your search there by using the filter module for topics or by using the functions under “Filter & Sorting”, and you will only be shown results for the respective area, i.e. News & Stories or Media.
How do I download press materials?
As usual, you can download press materials either individually or in the case of a press release or press kit, directly “as a package” (Download), or add them to the Download Center. You can select different resolutions in the download center.
In addition, you can now share press releases and individual media from the Newsroom directly on your social media channels or by email.
The download of stories and their media assets will only be possible in exceptional cases.
What will happen with the old content on the Daimler Truck Media Site?
In the Newsroom, you will find all the content that you previously found on the Daimler Truck Media Site. Among other things, it will be supplemented with the new content format of the “stories” and the more flexibly designed stage area.
Existing links to the Daimler Truck Media Site will be redirected to the corresponding content in the new Newsroom and thus remain valid.
What can I find on the “Podcast” page?
Under “Podcast”, you can access a page summarizing the CEO podcast “Transportation Matters”, in which Martin Daum regularly talks to prominent guests about highly relevant topics ranging from the future of transportation to sustainability, leadership and ethical business. You can listen to all episodes directly there.
What can I find on the “Press contacts” page?
This page provides a summary of all the Daimler Truck’s press contacts.
Will the Newsroom offer additional functions in the future?
The functions of the Newsroom are being continuously expanded.
In a further development stage in 2024, we will be offering media representatives and multipliers a personal login area – and thus a personal page. Among other things, it will be possible to select preferred topics and media, access relevant press events, set bookmarks, and receive personal/exclusive content (in advance).
Who can I contact if I have any questions or comments?
If you have any questions or comments about the functions or operation of the Newsroom, please contact news@daimlertruck.com.